
Summer Internship Recap

This summer, we were excited to welcome five interns to the Low Tide team (including our first building operations intern!). Each intern had an opportunity to take a deep dive into their respective department, engage with our communities, collaborate on a group project, and much more. We asked Matt, Loveleen, Duke, Rav and Sophia about their experience with us this past summer.

What does a day in the life look like for you as an intern on the property management team?

Matt Petrakis, Property Management Intern
I was told early on in my internship, “no two days in property management are the same.” Four months later, that is still true. One day, I am at my desk going through the server and organizing blueprints. The next day, I am out at one of our buildings conducting fire drills or helping set up for a community event. I really enjoyed having variety in my days on the property management team.

Can you talk about the intern group project? How was it working with the other interns?
Rav Virk, Property Management Intern 

The intern project is something all of us interns got to work on together. This summer, the interns were tasked with organizing a networking event for other real estate interns and real estate students. The trust and flexibility we were given allowed us to put on an event that felt authentic to us. Working with the other interns was so fun; we got to leverage our individual strengths and incorporate everyone’s ideas. In the end, we hosted 50 interns on Low Tide’s rooftop where we had an engaging panel discussion featuring Low Tide employees, followed by a social at Local.

What has been your favourite part of your internship? 

Duke Wilson, Real Estate Intern 
My favourite part of my internship was learning more about the role Low Tide plays in communities around Vancouver. I learned a lot about what it takes to manage and maintain buildings and the role our tenants play in our operations and in the communities.

What does a day in the life look like for you as an intern working with our operations team? 

Loveleen Kaur, Building Operations Intern
Working as an operations intern, my day typically begins by reviewing and replying to emails, followed by addressing the pending work orders. As an intern, I had the chance to shadow experienced operators as they managed their responsibilities. Having such a supportive team who is always eager to help has turned my experience into a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining journey.

What has been your favourite part of your internship?

Sophia Anderson, Marketing Intern 
There are so many things I love about my internship! Firstly, I enjoy interacting with different community members and learning their stories. I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many interesting and talented individuals! Additionally, I appreciate how many different avenues I get to explore in my role. From organizing community events, developing social media plans, supporting Community Committee initiatives, to meeting tenants, I am always working on engaging projects. Lastly, the team at Low Tide is incredibly supportive and fun to be around!