
South Flats

The new kid on the map.

The vibe: creative, innovative, vibrant

The place for: art, tech, creative campuses

Don’t miss out on: sipping a latte in the red petal.

South Flats is where creativity and innovation bloom. This up and coming area is located along Great Northern Way and will become a connecting point to the rest of the city after the completion of the Broadway Subway line. A neighbourhood in progress, South Flats will transform into an outdoor museum showcasing large-scale public art next to an array of creative campuses, big tech companies, high-end fashion, and aesthetic restaurants.

Let’s meet the neighbours.

Scroll and click to explore.

Let’s meet the neighbours.

VCC Clark Station

2102 Keith Dr

Main Street-Science World Station

CRAFT Beer Market

85 W 1st Ave

Earnest Ice Cream

1829 Quebec St

China Creek North Park 

1001 E 7th Ave

The Lab

887 Great Northern Way

1933 Liquor Co.

895 Great Northern Way

Emily Carr University

520 E 1st Ave

Beta5 Chocolates

409 Industrial Ave

The Slide

565 Great Northern Way

Centre for Digital Media

685 Great Northern Way

East Van Cross 

2113–2173 Clark Dr

VCC Clark Station

2102 Keith Drive

The Lab

887 Great Northern Way #210

The Ascent

1077 Great Northern Way

Steve’s Poké Bar

891 Great Northern Way

Kafka’s Coffee Roasting and Bakery

577 Great Northern Way

Vancouver Community College

1155 E Broadway

BC SPCA Vancouver Animal Hospital 

1205 E 7th Ave

The Hive Bouldering Gym

520 Industrial Ave

Nemesis Coffee

555 Great Northern Way

Red Truck Beer Company

295 E 1st Ave

Future Great Northern Way-Emily Carr Station

Great Northern Way & Thornton St

Main Street Science World Station

1399 Main St

Olympic Village

525 W 2nd Ave

The Birds

1650 Manitoba St

MEC Vancouver

11 E 2nd Ave

St. Pauls Hospital

1002 Station St

Science World

1455 Quebec St