When daydreams come true.
Starting a business is never easy. But doing it over dumplings certainly helps. And that’s exactly what Wilet (formerly Flax Home) founders Anna Heyd, Vivian McCormick, and Oana Papuc did when they holed themselves up in their Airbnb in Hong Kong after flying there to visit a potential supplier in nearby China.
So, how did these three Vancouver-based friends end up in Asia? It all started when Vivian and Oana, both lawyers at the time, would sneak out to a cafe near their offices for lunch to daydream about all the other things they could be doing other than law. It was there that the duo met and quickly befriended Anna, who was running the cafe back then. After that, it wasn’t long until the lunches turned into entrepreneurial brainstorming sessions where Anna would pitch a slew of business ideas to the lawyers. Including one business idea cleverly named, Lumberjacked—a fitness studio where you would chop wood to get fit. An idea that was interesting in theory but terrible in the legal ramifications. Even today, the mere mention of this business idea still gives the three women a good laugh.
It wasn’t until Anna struggled to find affordable linen bedding for her recently purchased bed that she proposed a new business idea to Vivian and Oana. Anna knew linen fabric was luxurious to the touch, temperature regulating, and overall a more sustainably produced option than other fabrics, and thought others might also want to experience the benefits of this kind of bedding. And Vivian and Oana agreed. Unlike previous business pitches that failed to take off, the three women decided that this could be the idea they had been searching for all along.