This summer, we were excited to welcome five interns to the Low Tide team (including our first building operations intern!). Each intern had an opportunity to take a deep dive into their respective department, engage with our communities, collaborate on a group project, and much more. We asked Matt, Loveleen, Duke, Rav and Sophia about their experience with us this past summer.
What does a day in the life look like for you as an intern on the property management team?
Matt Petrakis, Property Management Intern
I was told early on in my internship, “no two days in property management are the same.” Four months later, that is still true. One day, I am at my desk going through the server and organizing blueprints. The next day, I am out at one of our buildings conducting fire drills or helping set up for a community event. I really enjoyed having variety in my days on the property management team.